Our weekly ministries do not happen because of one person. It takes an entire team of people! When you serve, it’s an opportunity to see someone’s life changed and for your faith to grow. Want to see what God can do through you? Begin serving right away and see the immediate difference you can make.

The Women's ministry exist to educate, encourage, equip and empower women through the word of God. To inspire women to develop a more intimate relationship with Christ, acquire a greater knowledge of their biblical role as women and advance the Kingdom of God through service within and beyond their inner circles.

The Men's ministry is built and structured to facilitate and foster an environment for men to experience spiritual and personal growth through biblical teaching, mentoring, fellowshipping, and experiential living to fulfill their role as watchmen over their homes, their church, community, region, and nation.

Next Dimension Worshippers (NDW) is called to be a ministry where children and teens come to know Christ and to make Him known. Our mission is to establish a foundation for building Christian character, morals, values and behaviors while allowing them to demonstrate their abilities through the arts, sports, community service, business and education.